Vintage Valentines dozen
These pretty vintage Valentine images (2.5” x 3.5”) are printed on icing sheets and then “glued” to the cookie surface with piping gel. They’re so pretty and colorful, evoking memories of Valentines past. Please let us have your order by January 15th if we’ll mail your cookies or by February 1st if you’ll pick them up in Milwaukee.
These pretty vintage Valentine images (2.5” x 3.5”) are printed on icing sheets and then “glued” to the cookie surface with piping gel. They’re so pretty and colorful, evoking memories of Valentines past. Please let us have your order by January 15th if we’ll mail your cookies or by February 1st if you’ll pick them up in Milwaukee.
These pretty vintage Valentine images (2.5” x 3.5”) are printed on icing sheets and then “glued” to the cookie surface with piping gel. They’re so pretty and colorful, evoking memories of Valentines past. Please let us have your order by January 15th if we’ll mail your cookies or by February 1st if you’ll pick them up in Milwaukee.